
Soal ujian matematika kelas 11 ipa
Soal ujian matematika kelas 11 ipa

soal ujian matematika kelas 11 ipa

a whale can eat both squid and plankton b. Each kind of whale eat different kind of food 7. Which one of the following statements is FALSE based on the text about? a. ĭo not have to come to the surface to get fresh air deliver their young like elephants do will die if they cannot get any oxygen in the water are mammals that are cold blooded can easily breathe when they are under waterĥ. The differences between whales and fish is that whales. Differences between Whales and Elephants c. general classification to position the reader explanation d. A new baby whale may weigh one-fife-teeth o its mother 2.

soal ujian matematika kelas 11 ipa

Their life span is usually longer than human beings e. like fish, whales can live in all kinds of waters d. Big animals living in the ocean tend to be their enemies c. Whales are generally 95 feet long and weigh 150 tons b. Which of the following is TRUE about whales? a. And whales do not seem to fight among themselves.

soal ujian matematika kelas 11 ipa

Only human beings and the killer whales attack whales. When they close their mouths, they squeeze out the water and swallow the plankton. When they find plankton, they open their mouths and swim into the plankton. The baleen whales eat plankton (small sea animals and plants). The toothed whales eat fish and squid, which they can catch with their teeth, although they swallow their food without chewing it. There are two kinds of whales, whales with teeth (toothed whales) and whales without teeth (baleen whales). In the winter some of them go to warm waters to breed and in the summer most of them go to cold waters to feed. Fish, however, lay eggs, breathe oxygen in the water and are cold blooded. If they cannot come to the surface to breathe fresh air, they will drown. They breathe through their lungs and hold their breathe when they go under water. Unlike fish, they bear young alive net as eggs. They are mammals, like cows and elephants. Although whales live in the oceans and can swim like fish, they are not fish. A baby blue whale, just born, can be 23 feet long and weight 3 tons. Bigger than elephants, they may grow 95 feet long, and weight 150 tons. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada PengawasĬhose the best answers by crossing (X) a, b, c, d OR E Text 1 Whales are the largest animal on earth. Gunakan waktu dengan efektif dan efisien 5. Kerjakanlah soal anda pada lembar jawaban 4. Periksa dan bacalah soal dengan teliti sebelum Anda bekerja 3. Tulis nomor dan nama Anda pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan 2. LEMBARAN SOALMata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Sat. SOAL LATIHAN UJIAN BAHASA INGGRIS KELAS XI

Soal ujian matematika kelas 11 ipa