We would encourage you not to rush through this portion of your time together. Unique prayer prompts are included at the end of each video to guide you. The videos are meant not only to provide more insight into the week’s topic but, more importantly, to lead you into a time of prayer.

When you meet as a group, we recommend watching the video together first. This way, the bulk of your time together can be spent in edifying one another through your discussion as opposed to getting familiar with content. If you are working through this material as part of a group, it is still important for you to go through the material on your own first (see the section above). Many of the questions and thoughts contained in the guide will refer to ideas from the reading, which you can reference and revisit as necessary. Read the corresponding Until Unity chapter straight through before beginning each study guide session. This book is meant to encourage you to reflect on your personal experience and push you to take these concepts beyond the theoretical and into practical application. Your background and experiences are unique to you and will give you a perspective on this material no one else can offer. Whether you are doing this study with a group or as an individual, it is vital that you spend time going through the guide on your own. Ultimately, the purpose of this study and the book is to point us back to the Bible and cause us to fall in love with God’s original design for the Church. Most importantly, it is essential for everyone to be reading this with a Bible on hand. Each of these resources can stand alone, but they will be most effective together. These videos are available for free viewing at. Each chapter has a corresponding video that will dive deeper into the topic and then lead into a time of prayer. To get the most out of this study, read the corresponding chapter before you go through each session. In these sessions, we will be breaking down some of the material discussed in the book Until Unity. The Team: Michael Covington, Kevin Kim, Mercy Gordon, Sean Brakey, Stephanie Bennett, Judy Gillispie, James Hershberger, Susan MurdockĪfterword: The Role of Silence in Unity Using the Study Guide How to Get the Most out of This Study Guide

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Except for brief excerpts for review purposes, no part of this book may be reproduced or used in any form without written permission from the publisher.

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